Seminar on Water Security and Emerging Threats in Pakistan

On 13th July, 2017, the CGSS arranged a Seminar on "Water Security and Emerging Threats in Pakistan" at Islamabad Club. The event brought together water experts, climatologists, specialists, government representative and students from across the country and individuals from public and private entities. The guest speakers included:
    a. Mr. Shams Ul Mulk HI - Former Chairman WAPDA
    b. Brigadier Muhammad Aslam Khan (Retd) - Chairman Gomal Damaan Area Water Partnership
    c. Mr. Babur Suhail, LL.M-Berkeley - Vice President CGSS
    d. Mr. Khalid Rahim - Member Advisory Board CGSS
    e. Mr. Muhammad Ashraf - Chairman-Pakistan Council of Research in Water Resources (PCRWR)
Other dignitaries who delivered talk on this occasion included Lieutenant General Muhammad Zahir Ul Islam HI(M), (Retd) - Chairman CGSS and Major General Syed Khalid Amir Jaffery HI(M), (Retd) - President CGSS
The aim and focus of the Seminar was to discuss the issue of water security and emerging threats to Pakistan. Pakistan is a water stressed country and needs drastic steps to improve its water situation for sustainable development. India being located at the centre of the region is at the core of the water disputes. Even though India and Pakistan have mutually signed the Indus water treaty yet both the countries have dispute and conflicts over the treaty. India has been building a number of dams and Hydropower projects in pursuit of acquiring the capability to manipulate the flow of water.
Through the platform provided by the CGSS, many prospects were discussed that could be assistive for enhancing the water security. The seminar yield policy recommendations that can lead to an equitable sharing of water and lower the risk of any future conflict between Pakistan and India.
The seminar marked the attendance of almost 120 people belonging to various institutions.

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Media Coverage

The CGSS received media coverage of the event by the following Media Houses:

The Nation The Express Tribune Pakistan Observer The Fortress BBC Record London Hydro World Jehan Pakistan