Day Two of the International Conference on “Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) and Trans-Regional Integration”

On 12th September 2019, Day Two of the International Conference on “Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) and Trans-Regional Integration” started with paper and speeches presented by representatives from Russia, Afghanistan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Kazakhstan. Mr. Shakeel Durrani and Mr. Suleiman also presented speeches and appreciated the initiative by Area Study Centre for convening an international conference on BRI and CEPEC. The session was ended on question-answer session. Brigadier Akhter Nawaz Janjua SI(M), (Retd) – Senior Member Advisory Board CGSS also presented speech. He said east is where future belongs. Sincerity of purpose is necessary. CEPEC is the flagship project of BRI if implemented with spirit and commitment. It would transform the destiny of both Pakistan and the region. Finally BRI and CPEC will provide a platform for peaceful coexistence.
Prof Dr. Amir Khan from “Center of Excellence CPEC” discussed about the aspect of socio- economic development in Pakistan through the framework of CPEC. The session was ended with a brief presentation of the two days conference brief, key ideas.
Dr Shabir, Director Area Study Centre, thanked the foreign scholars and Centre for Global & Strategic Studies for assisting in organizing the conference. The director hoped that the conference is going to shape ideas on the future of BRI and CEPEC and the such like academic gathering will be arranged in future in Area Study Centre University of Peshawar.

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